Using Unique Commercial Landscaping to Enhance Business Appeal

What is it that makes certain examples of commercial landscaping distinctive and more eye-catching than others? Is it the bold reimagining of traditional gardens and park-like features? Perhaps it’s the artful blending of nature with the architectural elements of a business facade. Or could it be the way the placement, colors, and textures of the site surround draw buyers to an enticing entrance? See our take on using unique commercial landscaping to enhance your business appeal to clients and customers.

Focus on Function and Purpose First

Inspiration for original combinations of plantings, structural features, paving, seating, and water features can come from anywhere. Local surroundings, natural features, art installations, interior design trends, and landscape design awards are just a few inspiration sources. The creative mindset of landscapers is unlimited, though restricted by the practicalities of a client’s budget.

However, function and purpose are the drivers for any take on unique designs by professional landscaping firms.

For Example Herb Garden

Thus, an herb garden developed for a pharmaceutical client may focus on the historical background of using herbs as medicines. Inspiration may be drawn from old designs of monastery gardens, for instance.

In contrast, an herb garden developed for a senior care home could focus on plantings of fragrant herbs known to calm the senses, such as chamomile, lavender, and rosemary. The design would feature plenty of seating areas and wide flat paths for comfort and safety purposes.

Using Unique Commercial Landscaping to Enhance Business Appeal

Professional landscapers tend to work with a set of natural and artificial features. These include water features, lawns, plantings of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Structural design elements are incorporated, such as bridges, fences, and walls. Seating, walkways, and decorative sculptural elements encourage potential customers and curious passersby to visit, generating foot traffic for businesses.

Countless combinations of pleasing and exciting landscapes can be made with standard features alone. However, choices of shapes, colors, plant varieties, and hardscape materials that can complement business facades and location qualities can be hard to settle on. Even so, experienced designers know how to create unique designs that meet not only landscape values but other values.

Can Commercial Landscaping Address Cultural and Environmental Concerns?

Environmental, historical, and heritage overlays relevant to a business’s location, can be addressed in landscape design. For instance, planting pollination gardens can address environmental concerns about shrinking honeybee populations. These gardens are full of annual and perennial flowering plants that strongly attract bees and provide nectar for the hives.

Heritage values can be referenced via markers, explanatory plaques, memorial benches, and sculptures, telling of historical events and important people.

What Values Do You Want to Convey?

Of course, the type of image you want to convey depends upon your target customer groups. But with environmental concerns at the forefront of many consumers, using commercial landscape features to show your green credentials can be worthwhile. Using hardy native plants or water-wise ornamentals, and putting water-recycling systems behind water features, may be valuable for your business in more ways than one.

Seek Inspiration for Unique Designs from Award Winners

The unique designs of contemporary landscaping design award winners provide a feast of new ideas for the landscaping industry. The American Society of Landscape Architects gives an annual award for several landscaping categories, including general, residential, and urban.

Many award winners have examined issues like climate resilience, land preservation, flood recovery, and community needs. Commercial landscaping features are turned to grappling with urban problems. For instance, they have built a forest of trees over an underground car park, providing much-needed outdoor space while retaining access to motor vehicles.

For Example Singapore Garden by the Bay

International landscaping sites can provide a wholly different perspective. Singapore Garden by the Bay has a Supertree Grove where 18 towering structures that look like alien trees dominate the skyline. Each tree structure is actually a vertical garden that makes a spectacular light show at night and is powered by solar panels.

Create or Reinvent Your Business Landscaping with State of the Art

If you’re setting up your new business or think it’s time to revamp the outdoor space, look for assistance from seasoned commercial landscapers. Servicing Northern Virginia and its surrounds, State of the Art Landscape will plan and design-build your new landscape with you, tailoring it to increase your business appeal to passersby.

With our wealth of experience in design and installation, we will create a one-of-a-kind space sure to impress everyone who visits. We can handle everything from small retail frontages to large business exteriors. So contact us for a free on-site appointment, and let’s get your project going.