Why Building an Inground Pool in the Winter is the Right Choice

In moderate climates, winter may not be the prime swimming season, but it might be the best season to build your inground pool. With time, resources, and labor readily available in the winter, you might find contractors jumping at the chance to upgrade or build your new inground pool this winter season.

Advantages of Building an Inground Pool in the Winter

The ideal construction project stays on budget, while keeping schedules un-rushed, stress-free, and on time. If you’ve been considering building a pool, winter is the ideal season for contractors to build it.

Swimming Pool Companies are Available

Since swimming pools are associated with summer, all the local pool contractors are going to be busy during the warmer months. Some companies are scheduled months in advance, and won’t get to your swimming pool until fall. It is smarter to contact your pool builder of choice in the colder months since they will have more time to focus on your swimming pool project, instead of trying to fit you in around other clients.

Installation is Affordable

Due to the decreased demand for materials in winter months, swimming pool companies often lessen their building costs. The offseason of pool building is the time for deals and cheaper prices, and you will be able to build an inground pool for a cheaper price in the winter as opposed to building one in the summer.

Installation is Faster

Pool building companies are less busy in the fall and winter, which means the pool installation process for your inground pool will be quicker. Additionally, humidity and high temperatures in the summertime slow down contractors, and they may need extra breaks from the intense heat. During the fall and winter, conditions can be more favorable for outdoor laborers.

Landscaping Can Take Root

Having a pool built can take a toll on your yard and landscaping. By having your pool installed during the winter give your landscaping time to come back and be beautiful in time for swimming once the weather heats back up.

Perfect Timing

When you build a pool in the winter, you have plenty of time to get it installed and ready just in time for the warmer temperatures. Your family will be ready to use the pool when it’s complete, rather than waiting through the summer months for it to be ready.

Disadvantages to Building an Inground Pool in the Winter

Depending on the climate you live in, the major drawbacks to winter pool building are normally due to weather. But even if the snow and cold temperatures cause delays, contractors often have enough time to work around it so that your pool is ready as spring approaches.

Temperatures Too Low to Pour Concrete

If the temperature is too cold, the concrete that is poured for your inground pool will not settle properly. If the concrete does not settle, it may dry unevenly or crack as the weather warms. If you live in an area with mild winter months, this may not be a big concern for you.

Snow Piles Cause Obstruction

Freezing rain, sleet, and snow can all create a hazardous work environment for swimming pool installation. If your yard is covered in layers of snow and ice, it may take too long to clear the area for pool construction. Some homeowners choose to wait until the early spring for their pool installation, where the demand is still low but the winter frost has started to melt away.

Temperatures Too Cold to Fill the Pool

If the outside temperature is well below freezing, filling the pool could cause the pipes to burst, either during the fill or afterward when the water settles. If the temperatures in your area are above freezing for the winter, you should have no issues filling the pool.

Frustrating Family Members

It can be frustrating to have a pool installed that you can’t use for a few months. While this is a small sacrifice to make for the money you can save in winter swimming pool installations, children may have a difficult time having a pool in the backyard that they can’t do anything with.

State of the Art Landscaping

In order to determine when you should install your swimming pool, the best thing to do is to contact a team of trusted pool installers to find out what time of year will work for you. At State of the Art Landscape, our experienced crews are well trained and are prepared to help you with your outdoor needs during any season.

Call us today to see how we can help your home or business.

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